The SomerVision comprehensive plan is our vision to make Somerville an even more exceptional place to live, work, play and raise a family. It documents three years of shared learning between residents, the business community, nonprofit groups, and public officials. SomerVision is an easy-to-use guide for future growth and development in the City, providing a policy framework for other planning efforts including neighborhood plans and capital plans. Key goals of SomerVision include the creation of 30,000 new jobs, the construction of 6,000 housing units, the establishment of 125 acres of publically accessible open space, and goals related to transportation, development and preserving neighborhood character.
The original SomerVision captured our best thinking on diversity, community, economy, accessibility, sustainability, and innovation and wrapped it into one set of goals, policies and action steps. The launch of this new website is part of our current efforts to update SomerVision and extend its range to 2040. Stay tuned for new data, updated goals, progress mapping, and multiple community events coming up in early 2019!
As with any comprehensive plan, the community revisits SomerVision on a regular basis to assess progress and refine goals. As part of this ongoing process, the Planning Division established Somerville By Design to implement aspects of SomerVision and engage with residents.